May 2nd Bulletin

Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 2, 2021
Lutheran Book of Worship

Please stand, as you are able, when indicated by *

Welcome & Announcements

  • Brief Order for Confession & Forgiveness p. 77
  • P: “With the voice of singing declare and tell this, utter it even to
    the ends of the earth: Alleluia. The Lord has redeemed His
    servant Jacob: Alleluia, Alleluia”
  • C: “Make a joyful noise to God, all you His lands. Make His
    praise glorious”
  • Hymn: “Baptized in Water” WOV #693
  • Apostolic Greeting & Kyrie p. 78-79
  • Hymn of Praise (“This is the feast…”) p. 81-82
  • Prayer of the Day (bulletin insert)
    The First Reading: Acts 8:26-40
    Psalm 150 (bulletin insert)
    The Second Reading: 1 John 4:1-11 (12-21)
    Hymn: “Abide with Me” (v.1-2) #272
  • The Holy Gospel: John 15:1-8
    Hymn: “Abide with Me” (v.3-5) #272
    The Youth Message

Sermon Rev. Matt Knuppel

  • Hymn: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” #315
  • The Nicene Creed p.84
  • Prayer of the Church p. 85
  • The Peace p. 86
    Offering & Offertory (“Let the vineyards…”) p. 86
  • Great Thanksgiving p. 88-89
  • Words of Institution & Lord’s Prayer p. 89, 91
    Agnus Dei and Communion p. 92
  • Post-Communion Canticle (“Thank the Lord…”) p. 92
  • Benediction & Amen p. 94-95
  • Hymn: “I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me” WOV #673
  • Sending

The altar flowers are given in honor
of their daughter Katie’s 19th birthday
by George and Jennifer Clever.

Welcome to our Visitors!
Grace Lutheran Church welcomes you as you join us in
worship this morning. Please fill out a visitor card, either
handed to you when you entered this morning or
available from an usher, and place it in the offering plate.

Sunday School
All are welcome to attend Sunday School before worship
beginning at 8:45; classes are available for both children
and adults.
Holy Communion
Those who are baptized and believe that Jesus Christ,
crucified and risen, is truly present in, with, and under the
forms of bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins, life,
and salvation, are welcome to the Lord’s Table. Please let
the pastor know you wish to receive this gift of life by
holding out your open hands. Receive the wafer, move to
one of the servers and dip the wafer into the wine, then
partake. You are encouraged to bring young children
forward for a blessing. The sign for a blessing is folded
Disciples in Service today, May 2
Ushers: Dan Alloway, John Kollmeyer
Organist: Steve Holland Lay Reader: Debbie Voigt
Acolyte: Roman Hurst Crucifer: Ruby Hurst
Servers: Holly Alloway, Debbie Voigt
Disciples in Service next Sunday, May 9
Ushers: Rusty Bates, Rik Maxey
Organist: Steve Holland Lay Reader: Rob Maxey
Acolyte: Adrianna Urrea Crucifer: William Roberts
Servers: Beth Bates, Greta Roberts

Grace Lutheran Church
Proclaiming the grace of Christ in Word and Sacrament

Rev. Matt Knuppel, Pastor
[email protected]
3410 Community Church Road
Pfafftown, NC 27040
PO Box# 1735, Clemmons, NC
Church office location:

3540 Clemmons Rd., Clemmons, NC Suite #107

● Christ Centered ●Mission-Driven
●Traditionally-Grounded ● Congregationally-Focused