Christ the King Sunday
November 25, 2018
Lutheran Book of Worship – Setting 2
Please stand, as you are able, when indicated by *
Welcome & Announcements
Brief Order for Confession & Forgiveness p. 77
* Hymn: “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” #198
* Apostolic Greeting & Kyrie) p. 78-79
* Hymn of Praise (“This is the feast…”) p. 81-82
* Prayer of the Day p. 82
The First Reading: Isaiah 51:4-6
Psalm 93 p. 259-260
The Second Reading: Revelation 1:4b-8
* Gospel Acclamation (“Alleluia”) p. 83
* The Holy Gospel: Mark 13:24-37
The Children’s Message
Sermon: “Thank You Vera Much“ Rev. Marty Ramey
* Hymn: “Crown Him with Many Crowns” #170
* Nicene Creed p. 84
* Prayer of the Church p. 85-86
* The Peace
Offering & Offertory (“Let the Vineyards…”) & Prayer p. 86
* The Great Thanksgiving p. 88-89
* Words of Institution & Lord’s Prayer p. 89, 91
Agnus Dei and Communion p. 92
Post-Communion Canticle (“Thank the Lord…”) p. 92
* Benediction & Amen p. 94-95
* Hymn: “Jesus Shall Reign” #530
The altar flowers today are given to the Glory of God.
Welcome to our Visitors!
Grace Lutheran Church welcomes you as you join us in worship this morning. Please fill out a visitor card, found in your welcome bag or available from an usher, place it in the offering plate.
Holy Communion
Those who are baptized and believe that Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is truly present in, with, and under the forms of bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation, are welcome to the Lord’s Table. Please let the pastor know you wish to receive this gift of life by holding out your open hands. Receive the wafer, move to one of the servers and dip the wafer into the wine, then partake. You are encouraged to bring young children forward for a blessing. The sign for a blessing is folded hands.
Disciples in Service today, November 25
Ushers: Bob Haines, Marc Voigt
Organist: Steve Holland Lay Reader: Rob Maxey
Acolyte: Stephanie Needham Crucifer: Caitlin Needham Servers: Greta Roberts, Marsha Maxey
Disciples in Service next Sunday, December 2
Ushers: Rik Maxey, Dave Rudolph
Organist: Steve Holland Lay Reader: Jean Rudolph
Acolyte: William Roberts Crucifer: Garrett Price
Servers: Beth and Rusty Bates
Grace Lutheran Church
Proclaiming the grace of Christ in Word and Sacrament.
Meeting at Hayworth-Miller Chapel 108 East Kinderton Way, Advance, NC PO Box #1735, Clemmons, NC
Rev. Marty Ramey, Pastor (704)-689-8501
- Christ Centered Mission-Driven
- Traditionally-Grounded ● Congregationally-Focused
Grace Notes
- Women’s Fellowship: Tuesday, November 27, 6:00 Cagney’s Kitchen, 2291 Old Salisbury Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27127
- Men’s Fellowship: Tuesday, November 27, 6:30 Carolina Ale House, 150 Hanes Mall Cir, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
- Nazareth Lutheran Church will host Wednesday evening Advent Services on the 5th, 12thand 19thof December. A dinner will be held prior to worship on these evenings; all are invited and welcome to attend. Grace will provide the meal on the 12th. Look for more details to come and a sign-up sheet for your participation and help with this dinner. Offerings collected during Wednesday evening Advent services will go to support Sharing Shepherd ministry.
- Grace will have a float in the Lewisville Christmas Parade on December 9. You can help by donating candy. See sign-up sheet in front!
- The Voigts will host a Christmas Open House on Saturday, December 15th, at their home (4060 River Branch Lane, Pfafftown) from 4-7 All are invited and welcome to attend!
- CHRISTMAS PLAY: Friday, December 21st, 6:00 p.m., at Nazareth Lutheran Church. All are welcome! Christmas Cookie Bingo following the play.
We pray that sickness may be turned to health as we remember:
- Judy Hinrichs Andy Hurst ● Lee Bailey ● Louise McGuire
- Val Chumney, daughter of Jean Rudolph
- All those affected by the California wildfires.
November 25, 2018
- Women’s Fellowship: Tuesday, November 27, 6:00 Cagney’s Kitchen, 2291 Old Salisbury Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27127
- Men’s Fellowship: Tuesday, November 27, 6:30 Carolina Ale House, 150 Hanes Mall Cir, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Nazareth Lutheran Church will host Wednesday evening Advent Services on the 5th, 12th and 19th of December. A dinner will be held prior to worship on these evenings; all are invited and welcome to attend. Grace will provide the meal on the 12th. Look for more details to come and a sign-up sheet for your participation and help with this dinner. Offerings collected during Wednesday evening Advent services will go to support Sharing Shepherd ministry.
- Grace will have a float in the Lewisville Christmas Parade on December9. You can help by donating candy. See sign-up sheet in front!
- The Voigts will host a Christmas Open House on Saturday, December 15th, at their home (4060 River Branch Lane, Pfafftown) from 4-7 All are invited and welcome to attend!
- CHRISTMAS PLAY: Friday, December 21st, 6:00 p.m., at Nazareth Lutheran Church. All are welcome! Christmas Cookie Bingo following the play.
We pray that sickness may be turned to health as we remember:
- Judy Hinrichs Andy Hurst ● Lee Bailey ● Louise McGuire
- Val Chumney, daughter of Jean Rudolph
- All those affected by the California wildfires.
SHARE THE WARMTH During the season of Advent, Grace will join with Nazareth to collect coats for the needy. Clean, gently used coats, jackets and sweater-jackets of all sizes are needed. Please set aside any you might have, and plant to bring them to Sunday morning worship at Grace or to the Advent services in December.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Our organist, Steve Holland, serves another church following our service. In order to give him time to travel, it would be helpful to keep our announcement time to a minimum. Announcements may be provided to Debra Voigt ([email protected] or 336-408-8046) by Tuesday each week for inclusion in the bulletin. Brief oral announcements may be made prior to the service.
GRIEFSHARE Community members who have experienced the death of a loved one are invited to attend these sessions at Clemmons United Methodist Church on Monday evenings from 7- 8:30 PM now through November 26th (New sessions begin again on January 21, 2019). Many grieving people find that they are only beginning to heal when friends and family have returned to their daily lives. Attending GriefShare will give you the opportunity to learn valuable information, be around people who are experiencing similar emotions and walk through grief in a healthy way. You are not alone. Questions? Contact: Ann Roth at (434)-251-0343 or [email protected].
WHAT IS A LUTHERAN? This month, Pastor Marty will be leading a Sunday school series in which we will explore what it means to be Lutheran. Topics to be covered include the history of Lutheranism in the context of all of Christianity, an overview of the Book of Concord, and a review of Luther’s catechism. If this sounds like Confirmation revisited, it is! In order to give credible witness to our faith in the saving grace of Christ, we all need to have a solid understanding of what we believe. And most of us did not learn all we need to know about being Lutheran Christians in our early teenage years during Confirmation. Come join us on this journey!
Do you know of anyone who could use a note of support, encouragement or get-well wishes? If you do, please contact Sally Williams (336)-416-8691.
Sally has graciously offered to serve as the secretary on behalf of Grace for congregational concerns. Thank you, Sally!
SHARE THE WARMTH During the season of Advent, Grace will join with Nazareth to collect coats for the needy. Clean, gently used coats, jackets and sweater-jackets of all sizes are needed. Please set aside any you might have, and plant to bring them to Sunday morning worship at Grace or to the Advent services in December.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Our organist, Steve Holland, serves another church following our service. In order to give him time to travel, it would be helpful to keep our announcement time to a minimum. Announcements may be provided to Debra Voigt ([email protected] or 336-408-8046) by Tuesday each week for inclusion in the bulletin. Brief oral announcements may be made prior to the service.
GRIEFSHARE Community members who have experienced the death of a loved one are invited to attend these sessions at Clemmons United Methodist Church on Monday evenings from 7- 8:30 PM now through November 26th (New sessions begin again on January 21, 2019). Many grieving people find that they are only beginning to heal when friends and family have returned to their daily lives. Attending GriefShare will give you the opportunity to learn valuable information, be around people who are experiencing similar emotions and walk through grief in a healthy way. You are not alone. Questions? Contact: Ann Roth at (434)-251-0343 or [email protected].
WHAT IS A LUTHERAN? This month, Pastor Marty will be leading a Sunday school series in which we will explore what it means to be Lutheran. Topics to be covered include the history of Lutheranism in the context of all of Christianity, an overview of the Book of Concord, and a review of Luther’s catechism. If this sounds like Confirmation revisited, it is! In order to give credible witness to our faith in the saving grace of Christ, we all need to have a solid understanding of what we believe. And most of us did not learn all we need to know about being Lutheran Christians in our early teenage years during Confirmation. Come join us on this journey!
Do you know of anyone who could use a note of support, encouragement or get-well wishes? If you do, please contact Sally Williams (336)-416-8691.
Sally has graciously offered to serve as the secretary on behalf of Grace for congregational concerns. Thank you, Sally!