2nd Quarter 2016 Plan
Tremendous opportunities exist to live the core values: Christ Centered, Mission Driven, Traditionally Grounded and Congregationally Focused. The second quarter of 2016 should, through prayer and support, be challenging and rewarding.
- The Pastoral Search Team begins their work. This team needs prayers for guidance of the Holy Spirit in the search as Grace enters the next phase of pastoral leadership. There is no time frame for this task, the search process is Spirit driven. The Search Team will consider various options, consideration of an interim pastor will be one, during the search process. The team is committed to keeping the congregation apprised throughout the process, as they are able.
Pastor Sheldon is firmly committed to continue providing spiritual leadership to Grace. Pastor Sheldon and St. John’s Lutheran Church will always have a special place in the hearts of the membership. Their commitment to be “Mission Driven” has led Grace Lutheran to a new and special place.
- Efforts continue to hire an organist.
- The Facilities Team will begin identifying needs and searching for space opportunities. The current worship location is temporary, finding a home for Grace Lutheran Church is important!
- Implement our church management system, Membership Edge. https://www.membershipedge.com/Mebc/
- Begin transitioning bulletin preparation from St. John’s Lutheran Church to Grace.
- Begin organizing a “Women of the NALC” chapter at Grace.
Thanks be to God!