March 17, 2024
Midweek Lenten Dinners and Services
We will be meeting each Wednesday in Lent, dinner at 6:00 pm and Evening Prayer at 7:00 pm. On March 20th. See our bulletin board in the fellowship hall for meal sign-ups.
Lenten Book Study
Our annual Lenten Book Study will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM on March 19th. We will read the selected passages from Johann Gerhard’s Handbook of Consolations. If you plan to attend and would like a copy of the book, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. We hope everyone will join the discussion!
Stations of the Cross Event
You are invited to contribute an original art piece for our Stations of the Cross event this Good Friday March 29th. Sign up for a station on our bulletin board and have your piece ready by Wednesday March 27th.
Holy Week Schedule
Be sure to mark your calendars for the following Holy Week Services:
March 24th – Palm Sunday – 10 am (in front of the church)
March 28th – Maundy Thursday – 7 pm
March 29th – Good Friday – 3 pm and 7 pm
March 30th – Easter Vigil – 7:45 pm
Readers/Servers/Acolyte Needed
For Palm Sunday, March 24th (10 am) we are in need of 2 readers for our Passion Narrative: one reader for the Narrator, and one reader for the Speakers other than Christ.
On Maundy Thursday March 28th (7 pm) we are in need of 2 Comunion Servers.
For our Easter Vigil Service on March 30th (7:45 pm) we are in need of 7 readers, 1 acolyte and 2 Communion Servers.
Sunday School
Join us for Prayer and Share on Palm Sunday March 24th at 8:45 am.
Easter Sunday
There will be an Easter Brunch on Sunday March 31st at 8:45 am in place of Sunday School. Please see the bulletin board for our sign up sheet.