May 26, 2024
Choir Club: Join us for our Choir Club meeting this Thursday
at 6:30 PM. This will be a weekly opportunity to rehearse the
hymns and music selections for our upcoming Sunday service.
There is no commitment besides showing up to learn more
about the hymns we sing together each week.
There will be a potluck dinner and service for the Feast of the
Visitation on Friday, May 31st. The dinner will be at 6:00 pm,
followed by a short service of Word and Sacrament at 7:00 pm.
We are in need of pantry donations to stock our outside food
pantry box: canned meats, tuna, soups, fruit cups, juice
boxes/pouches, and Raman noodles. Please leave your
donations in the marked box in the lobby.
Everyone is welcome to adopt a Sunday to place flowers on
the altar at Grace! You may bring floral arrangements or
potted flowers of your choosing. Simply sign up on the large
poster-style sheet located on the bulletin board in the
Fellowship Hall. Your dedication will appear in that Sunday’s
*Unless otherwise noted on the sign-up sheet, all
dedications will be listed by name and “to the Glory of