October 13th 2024, Grace Notes

October 13, 2024

● Pastor Matt’s Office Hours are Monday-Thursday, 8AM ‘til
● Come and sing! Thursdays, 6:30 – 7:15 PM. All voices are
● We need your help! Bring new socks, anytime this month, and
drop them in the collection bin in the Fellowship Hall. The
needs are for men’s and women’s socks, non-skid socks, and
fun ankle socks for ladies. Our goal is to collect over 100 pair!
The socks will be distributed to several places, including Solus
Christus and to residents at Vienna Village Assisted Living.
● Our Pantry Box, located outside the lower entrance, is being

used; that’s a good thing! However, to keep it stocked, non-
perishables are desperately needed! Please help to keep it

available by bringing any of the following: canned meats,
canned vegetables, fruit cups, instant oatmeal packets, granola
bars and the like. Your gifts have a huge impact on our local
● A called congregational meeting will be held on Sunday,
October 27, immediately following the worship service. All
voting members of Grace should plan to attend! Voting will take
place on the proposed 2025 budget as well as two new council
members. If you are interested in serving on Congregation
Council for a three-year term beginning in January 2025, please
see outgoing members, Dan Alloway and/or Rik Maxey.

● It’s that time of year again! Sharing Shepherds will be
delivering gifts on Saturday Dec 14th. Please see the sign up
sheet on the bulletin board if you wish to “adopt” a child this
Christmas. This is an easy way to show your love for Christ by
putting a smile on children’s faces that are in need. Please see
Nicole Hurst for more details and with any questions.

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