January 14th 2024, Grace Notes

January 14, 2024

Women’s Fellowship
● The women of Grace are all invited for a meal and fellowship
at Johnny’s Farmhouse Restaurant (1615 Fox Trot Ct., W-S) on
Thursday, January 18 at 6:00 PM.
Congregation Council Retreat
● An in-house retreat is planned for the Congregation Council
(both incoming and outgoing members) on Saturday, January
20, from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM.
Lenten Book Study
● Our annual Lenten Book Study will meet on Tuesdays at
6:30 PM on Feb 20 and 27 and March 5, 12 and 19. We will be
reading selected passages from Johann Gerhard’s Handbook on
Consolations. If you plan to attend and would like a copy of the
book, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. We
hope everyone will join the discussion!
Non-Perishables Needed!
● Our Pantry Box, located outside the lower entrance, is being

used; that’s a good thing! However, to keep it stocked, non-
perishables are desperately needed! Please help to keep it

available by bringing any of the following: canned meats,
canned vegetables, fruit cups, instant oatmeal packets, granola
bars and the like. Your gifts have a huge impact on our local
Disciples in Service
● There are printed copies of the newest Disciples in Service
spreadsheet available for you to take home today; they are
located on the greeter’s table in the Fellowship Hall. These new
schedules run through February 2024.