January 28, 2024
Congregation Council and Standing Committees
● Grace Congregation Council officers and standing committee
chairpersons for 2024 are as follows: President: Debbie Voigt,
VP: Art Peters, Treasurer: Dan Alloway, Secretary: Jim Douma.
Worship & Music: Holly Alloway, Christian Education: Jack
Price, Mission & Outreach: Sherry Hurst and Linda Swenson
(co-chairs), Technology & Communication: Laura Knuppel,
Property: Rik Maxey and Safety & Security: Rob Maxey.
Lenten Book Study
● Our annual Lenten Book Study will meet on Tuesdays at
6:30 PM on Feb 20 and 27 and March 5, 12 and 19. We will be
reading selected passages from Johann Gerhard’s Handbook of
Consolations. If you plan to attend and would like a copy of the
book, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. We
hope everyone will join the discussion!
Non-Perishables Needed!
● Our Pantry Box, located outside the lower entrance, is being
used; that’s a good thing! However, to keep it stocked, non-
perishables are desperately needed! Please help to keep it
available by bringing any of the following: canned meats,
canned vegetables, fruit cups, instant oatmeal packets, granola
bars and the like. Your gifts have a huge impact on our local
Disciples in Service
● It is time to make the Disciples in Service schedule for March
through May. Please consider how your time and talents can
support our congregation. Complete the form on the back by
Sunday, February 4 if you are willing to serve in any of these
roles. Thank you.