January 7, 2024
Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies
● There are no Bible Studies on the calendar this month, check
this space soon for the new schedule going forward.
Congregation Council Retreat
● An in-house retreat is planned for the Congregation Council
(both incoming and outgoing members) on Saturday, January
20, from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM.
Flowers for the New Year!
● Please consider adopting a Sunday in 2024 to honor or
memorialize a loved one, or to commemorate a special event.
There is a brand-new sign-up sheet, with many open weeks
available, on the bulletin board located over the greeter’s table
in the Fellowship Hall. Your chosen dedication will appear in
that week’s worship bulletin. You may bring your flowers and
place them on the shelves flanking our altar before worship
begins on that Sunday morning.
Disciples in Service
● There are printed copies of the newest Disciples in Service
spreadsheet available for you to take home today; they are
located on the greeter’s table in the Fellowship Hall. These new
schedules run through February 2024.