June 23rd 2024, Grace Notes

June 23, 2024

Pastor Matt’s office hours are Monday – Thursday, 8am – noon
Join us for our Choir Club meeting every Thursday at 6:30 PM. This
will be a weekly opportunity to rehearse the hymns and music
selections for our upcoming Sunday service. There is no
commitment besides showing up to learn more about the hymns we
sing together each week.
A Women’s Retreat for the ladies of Grace will be held in
the Fellowship Hall on SATURDAY, JULY 20th from 9am – 4pm. We
encourage all the women to plan to attend this time of Bible study,
fellowship and fun!
A new ministry for the young women of Grace will begin on June 26th. Any
ladies who would be available and willing to help with childcare, please see
Kim Price.
Everyone is welcome to adopt a Sunday and purchase flowers (or bring
bouquets from your garden) to place on the altar at Grace! You may bring
potted flowers or floral arrangements of your choosing. Simply sign up on
the large poster-style sheet located on the bulletin board above the
greeter’s table in the Fellowship Hall. Your dedication will appear in that
Sunday’s bulletin. Flowers dedications will be listed “to the Glory of God”
unless otherwise indicated on the sign-up. Thank you!