Ascension of the Lord
May 28, 2017
Lutheran Book of Worship – Setting 1
Please stand as you are able when indicated by *
Prelude: “Rejoice the Lord Is King” Page
Welcome & Announcements
Brief Order for Confession & Forgiveness p. 56
* Hymn: “Crown Him with Many Crowns” #170
* Apostolic Greeting & Kyrie p. 57-58
* Hymn of Praise (“This is the feast…”) p. 60-61
* Prayer of the Day (bulletin insert)
First Reading (bulletin insert)
Psalm (bulletin insert)
Second Reading (bulletin insert)
* Gospel Acclamation p. 62
* Holy Gospel (bulletin insert)
Sermon “Oh, Happy Day”
* Hymn: “The Church’s One Foundation” #369
* Nicene Creed p. 64
* Prayers of the Church p. 65-66
* The Peace
Offering, Offertory (“Let the vineyards…”) & Prayer p. 66
* The Great Thanksgiving p. 68-69
* Words of Institution & Lord’s Prayer p. 69, 71
Agnus Dei and Holy Communion p. 72
* Post-Communion Blessing
* Post-Communion Canticle (“Thank the Lord…”) p. 72
* Benediction & Amen p. 74
* Hymn: “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing” #221
* Dismissal
* Postlude: “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name” Frost
The altar flowers today are given to the glory of God.
Grace Lutheran Church welcomes you to worship this morning.
Please fill out a visitor card, found in your welcome bag or
available from an usher, and place it in the offering plate. If you
have questions or are interested in hearing about membership,
please see Pastor Ryman or contact him using the information on
the front of this bulletin.
Holy Communion
Those who are baptized and believe that Jesus
Christ, crucified and risen, is truly present in, with, and under the
forms of bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins, life, and
salvation, are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Please let the pastor
know you wish to receive this gift of life by holding your open
hands toward the cup. We encourage you to bring forward young
children for a blessing. The sign for a blessing is folded hands.
Sunday School Classes
• Everyone is invited to fellowship with coffee, juice, and doughnuts
before classes in the kitchen area.
• A children’s class meets in the rear of the chapel.
• An adult class meets in the lounge next to the chapel.
Disciples in Service today, May 28
Ushers: Rusty Bates, Scott Hinrichs Organist: Steve Holland
Lay Reader: Holly Alloway Acolyte: Ruby Hurst
Servers: Debbie and Marc Voigt Crucifer: Andrew Rosenberger
Disciples in Service next Sunday, June 4
Ushers: Marc Voigt, Sam George Organist: Steve Holland
Lay Reader: Marsha Maxey Acolyte: Ruby Hurst
Servers: Roger Hull, Susan Ryman Crucifer: Garrett Price
The cover illustration was drawn by Ruby Hurst.
Take it home and hang it on your fridge.
grace lutheran church
Grace: a gift from God, a place for you.
Meeting at Hayworth-Miller Chapel
108 East Kinderton Way, Advance, NC
PO Box #1735, Clemmons, NC
Rev. Mark Ryman, Pastor
336-684-5634 • [email protected]
• Christ-Centered • Mission-Driven
• Traditionally-Grounded • Congregationally-Focused