Second Sunday after Pentecost
May 29, 2016
Lutheran Book of Worship – Setting 1
Please stand when indicated by *
Welcome & Announcements
*Brief Order for Confession & Forgiveness p. 56
*HYMN: Jesus Shall Reign #530
* Greeting & Kyrie (“In peace let us pray to the Lord…”) p. 57-58
* Salutation & Prayer of the Day p. 62
First Reading: (bulletin insert)
Psalm (bulletin insert)
Second Reading: (bulletin insert)
Gospel Acclamation p. 62
* Holy Gospel: (bulletin insert)
Sermon Rev. Mark Ryman
*HYMN: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty #543
* Apostles’ Creed p. 65
* Prayer of the Church & Sharing of the Peace p. 65-66
Offering & Offertory (“Let the Vineyards…”) p. 66
Offering Prayer p. 67
* Great Thanksgiving & Sanctus p. 68-69
* Words of Institution & Lord’s Prayer p. 69, 71
Lamb of God & Distribution of Communion p. 72
*Post-Communion Blessing p. 72
*Post-Communion Canticle (“Thank the Lord…”) p. 72
*Benediction & Amen p. 74
*HYMN: Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing #259
Traditionally Grounded
Congregationally Focused
Congregational Announcements
Welcome to our Visitors!
Grace Lutheran Church welcomes you as you join us in worship this morning. Please fill out a visitor card, available from an usher, and place it in the offering plate today. We are happy that you are here and desire to get to know you better. If you have questions or are interested in hearing about membership, please see the pastor or contact him using the information on the front of this bulletin.
Holy Communion
We come to the table this morning at the invitation of the Lord, receiving the body and blood of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Baptized Christians who share this faith and wish to join us at the table are welcome. Young children may be brought forward for a blessing.
Please note: Grace Lutheran Church will worship next Sunday, June 5th, at Tanglewood Park, Shelter #1. NALC Carolinas Mission District Dean, Nathan Yoder, will preach. Worship is at 3 PM; dinner will be served at 5 PM (activities and fellowship before and in between). Please contact Debbie Voigt today if you can help by providing a simple dessert. All are welcome!
Annual Spa Day
St. John’s Lutheran Church Women have graciously extended an invitation to all women for their 8th Annual Spa Day on Saturday morning, June 18. Consult the sign-up sheet on the name tag table this morning for further details, registration deadline is June 8.
Disciples in Service today:
Ushers: Ashley Hurst and Steve Frucht Organist(s): Hoirups
Lay Reader: Debbie Voigt Acolyte: Anna Frucht
Communion Assistants: Dan and Holly Alloway
Disciples in Service Next Sunday, June 5, at Tanglewood Park:
Ushers: Dick Kabis and Roger Hull Organist: Steve Holland
Lay Reader: Rob Maxey
Communion Assistants: Marc and Debbie Voigt
Grace Lutheran Church
Meeting at Hayworth-Miller Chapel
108 E Kinderton Way
Advance, NC
P.O. Box # 1735 Clemmons, NC
Rev. Ernie Sheldon, Pastor