Grace is looking to hire a part-time Office Assistant
[15 hours/wk @$15/hr]. If you are interested, please contact
Nicole Hurst. Potential tasks include, but are not limited to,
- Prepare weekly bulletins
- Pick up bulletins from printer, fold and deliver to the church
- Maintain church directory
- Prepare Disciples in Service schedule
- Church communications
- Processing mail
Men’s Fellowship – Out to Eat – Men of Grace will be going
out to eat on Tuesday, November 28 at 6:30pm and the 3 Bulls
Restaurant. All are welcome!
Advent Bible Study- We will be having Advent Bible Study
on Tuesdays, December 5, 12, and 19 at 6:30 pm in the
fellowship hall. All are welcome and encouraged to attend
Advent Suppers and Services –will be held on Wednesdays,
Dec 6, 13, and 20 with Supper at 6 and Worship at 7pm.
December 6 will be a Pancake/Breakfast Meal, December 12
will be Soup and Sandwich Meal and December 19 will be
Confort Food. Sign up sheets to contribute to these dinners
are on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us
as we look forward to Christmas.
Christmas Services-
Christmas Eve falls on Sunday this year. We will have a
regular Sunday morning Service on December 24 and a
traditional Christmas Eve Service that evening, December 24
at 9pm. Please celebrate with us!