November 5th 2023, Grace Notes

Upcoming events
 Healing Prayer Service: Wednesday, 11/8 at 6:30 PM
Men’s and Women’s Bible studies will be held on Tuesdays at
6:30pm. Final fall class will be November 7.
Everyone is welcome to adopt a Sunday to place flowers on the
altar at Grace! You may bring floral arrangements or potted
flowers of your choosing. Simply sign up on the large poster-style
sheet located on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Your
dedication will appear in that Sunday’s bulletin.
*Unless otherwise noted on the sign-up sheet, all dedications
will be listed by name and “to the Glory of God.”
 Grace is looking to hire a part-time Office Assistant
[15 hours/wk @$15/hr]. If you are interested, please contact
Nicole Hurst. Potential tasks include, but are not limited to,
 Prepare weekly bulletins
 Pick up bulletins from printer, fold, and deliver to church
 Maintain church directory
 Prepare Disciples in Service schedule
 Church communications
 Processing mail

Advent Bible Study- We will be having Advent Bible Study on
Tuesdays, December 5, 12, and 19 at 6:30 pm in the
fellowship hall. All are welcome and encouraged to attend