October 27, 2024
● A called congregational meeting will be held today, October 27,
immediately following the worship service. All voting members of
Grace should plan to attend! Voting will take place on the proposed
2025 budget as well as two new council members. If you are
interested in serving on Congregation Council for a three-year
term beginning in January 2025, please see outgoing members,
Dan Alloway and/or Rik Maxey.
● It is time to make the Disciples in Service schedule for
December through February. Please consider how your time
and talents can support our congregation. Complete the form
on the back by today, October 27, if you are willing to serve in any of
these roles. Thank you.
● If you would like to dedicate a candle for All Saints please indicate
with the name of your loved one on the sign-up list located on the
bulletin board above the Greeter’s Table in the Fellowship Hall.
● We need your help! Bring new socks, anytime this month, and drop
them in the collection bin in the Fellowship Hall. The needs are for
men’s and women’s socks, non-skid socks, and fun ankle socks for
ladies. Our goal is to collect over 100 pair! The socks will be
distributed to several places, including Solus Christus and to residents
at Vienna Village Assisted Living.