Upcoming events
TODAY -Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, 10/29 at
11:30 AM. It is very important that all members attend!
See back of Grace Notes for more information.
Reformation Service w/ Holy Communion: Tuesday, 10/31
at noon
Women’s Dinner Out – Thursday, November 2 at 5:30 pm,
Johnny’s Farmhouse Restaurant off Hanes Mall Blvd. Let
Beth Bates know if you plan to attend.
Healing Prayer Service: Wednesday, 11/8 at 6:30 PM
Please bring your good used clothing donations for Oak
Forest Rehab.
Sharing Shepherds
Sharing Shepherds will be traveling to West Virginia again this
Christmas! If you would like to help in any way, please contact
Nicole Hurst.
Men’s and Women’s Bible studies will be held on Tuesdays at
6:30pm. Fall classes remaining: October 24, and November 7.
Everyone is welcome to adopt a Sunday to place flowers on the
altar at Grace! You may bring floral arrangements or potted
flowers of your choosing. Simply sign up on the large poster-style
sheet located on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Your
dedication will appear in that Sunday’s bulletin.
*Unless otherwise noted on the sign-up sheet, all dedications
will be listed by name and “to the Glory of God.”
Annual Congregational Meeting
At the Oct. 29th Congregational Meeting we will be voting on
the following proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws.
This serves as notice of the proposed changes which will be
discussed at the meeting. These changes will also be emailed to
the membership in accordance with the Grace Lutheran
Constitution. Changes are shown as strikethrough, new
proposals are in bold italics.
Proposal for Change to the Constitution
12.02…concurrently. The terms of Council are to be staggered so that No more
only one third (1/3) of the members are elected each year.
than fifty percent of the Council membership shall be elected in the
same year.
12.03…Church Council shall elect appoint a successor until the nexta replacement to serve the remainder of the vacated
annual meeting
Proposal for Change to the Bylaws
5.01The tenures of the members of the Church Council shall be so
arranged that one third of the terms expire annually.
This item is to be stricken in its entirety.