Upcoming events
Octoberfest and Centennial Observance: Saturday, 9/30
Blessing of the Animals: Saturday, 10/7
Naomi’s Heart Presentation by Kristi and Danny Ward, Sunday
10/22 (light lunch to follow)
Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, 10/29 at 11:30 AM.
It is very important that all members plan to attend! We will
review the 2024 budget, elect council members and discuss
other church business.
Reformation Service w/ Holy Communion: Tuesday, 10/31 at
Healing Prayer Service: Wednesday, 11/8 at 6:30 PM
Men’s’ and Women’s’ Bible studies will reconvene on Tuesday,
September 12th at 6:30pm. Fall class dates will be September 12 &
26, October 10 & 24, and November 7.
Everyone is welcome to adopt a Sunday to place flowers on the
altar at Grace! You may bring floral arrangements or potted
flowers of your choosing. Simply sign up on the large poster-style
sheet located on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Your
dedication will appear in that Sunday’s bulletin.
*Unless otherwise noted on the sign-up sheet, all dedications
will be listed by name and “to the Glory of God.”