Upcoming events
Octoberfest and Centennial Observance: Saturday, 9/30
Blessing of the Animals: Saturday, 10/7
Naomi’s Heart Presentation by Kristi and Danny Ward,
Sunday 10/22 (light lunch to follow)
Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, 10/29 at 11:30
AM. It is very important that all members plan to attend!
See back of Grace Notes for more information.
Reformation Service w/ Holy Communion: Tuesday, 10/31 at
Healing Prayer Service: Wednesday, 11/8 at 6:30 PM
Sharing Shepherds
Sharing Shepherds will be traveling to West Virginia again this
Christmas! If you would like to sponsor a child please see the sign-up
sheet on the bulletin board. The sheet will remain posted until
Sunday Oct 15. If you have any questions please reach out to Nicole
Men’s’ and Women’s’ Bible studies will reconvene on Tuesday,
September 12th at 6:30pm. Fall class dates will be September 12 &
26, October 10 & 24, and November 7.
Everyone is welcome to adopt a Sunday to place flowers on the
altar at Grace! You may bring floral arrangements or potted
flowers of your choosing. Simply sign up on the large poster-style
sheet located on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Your
dedication will appear in that Sunday’s bulletin.
*Unless otherwise noted on the sign-up sheet, all dedications
will be listed by name and “to the Glory of God.”