September 8th 2024, Grace Notes

September 8, 2024

Pastor Matt’s office hours are Monday – Thursday, 8am – noon
Join us for our Choir Club meeting every Thursday at 6:30 PM. This
will be a weekly opportunity to rehearse the hymns and music
selections for our upcoming Sunday service. There is no
commitment besides showing up to learn more about the hymns we
sing together each week.
Everyone is welcome to adopt a Sunday to place flowers on
the altar at Grace. Simply sign up on the large poster-style sheet
located on the bulletin board in the fellowship Hall. Your dedication
will appear in that Sunday’s bulletin. Unless otherwise noted on
the sign-up sheet, all dedications will be listed by name and
“to the Glory of God.”
Congregational Meeting
A called congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, October 27,
2024 immediately following the worship service. We will be voting
on the proposed budget for 2025 and for 2 new Council members who
will begin 3 year terms starting January 2025 replacing outgoing
members Dan Alloway and Rik Maxey. If you are interested in serving,
please see Dan or Rik.
Upcoming Events:
October Fest – September 28
Blessing of the Animals – October 5